Friday, 6th April 2018

On the train to Maastricht, Southern tip of Netherlands

Amsterdam (11:05AM) – Maastricht (13:30PM)

It’s a beautiful day! Finally some sun and clear blue skies. This day was long-awaited as it has been windy, cloudy and grey the last couple of days this week. It definitely feels like Spring today – really glad that I chose the perfect day for this trip.

I have had the urge to visit Maastricht for the longest time, ever since I heard about it on my very first trip to the Netherlands. It is the Southernmost city in the Netherlands approximately 2 hours 25 mins away by train, not to say, there is also something about train rides to another city in a European country which I really enjoy. Watching the constantly changing scenes of the countryside flitting by – that, I guess, is something I do not see coming from the metropolitan city of Singapore. I am not quite sure what I want to get out from this day trip, but it feels right.


Hilltop cafe, Valkenburg

What a view! Sitting in the sun in this super nice hilltop cafe restaurant with the view of this small town of Valkenburg, 15mins from Maastricht by train (it was surprisingly easy to get here, I had expected it to be more complicated). I liked Maastricht, but it was too busy and touristy for my taste, and after coffee by the river where the cafes were, I decided, on impulse, to take the train from the main station to this town. I found out about Valkenburg previously from someone’s post on Instagram. It is a quiet, relaxed and peaceful place – the perfect vibe for me.

Took a walk around before coming here, and came across a particular street with a beautiful scene of stunning shadows cast by the late afternoon light. Where the shadows were, it was deep and dark black. I loved the way the scene looked and was inspired to sit down by the pavement for a sketch of the scene.

Right now, thinking of how lucky and fortunate I am to be have seen, heard, felt and experienced so much in the past year, away from home. A strong feeling of gratitude washes over me.

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